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Some Natural Treatment Options for Colitis

To those who suffer from colitis, they know that this condition is painful and nearly debilitating, not to mention embarrassing as well. There are many different forms of the disease but it involves an inflammation of the colon. Colitis should not be confused with irritable bowel syndrome which does not involve an inflammation. While it's a very difficult and painful disease, it can be treated naturally by those who suffer from it.

The many signs and symptoms of colitis include pain and tenderness in the midsection, increased frequency of one's bowel habits, bloody stools, rapid weight loss, fever, mucus in the stool, and digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux disease, and chronic cramps. While some who have colitis may have diarrhea, many have constipation or no change in their stools.

Changing your eating plans is one of the best treatment options for colitis. Foods that typically produce gas can bring on attacks; these include beans, cabbage, broccoli, onions, and corn. High fiber foods can also trigger an attack, and these include raw vegetables and whole grains. Those with a high concentration of fat can also trigger an attack, such as fried chicken, French fries, peanut butter, ice cream, and red meat.

Sometimes it is very hard to identify the specific food or foods that can bring on an attack. I knew one person that had an attack every Wednesday after her girls night out. She did not eat anything or drink alcohol and only drank cola at these weekly events. She also drank cola during the rest of the week so cola was eliminated as the source of her problem. As it turned out a single cherry supplied with her drink gave her a violent attack within the next 8 to 24 hours.

When you have colitis you may also have a hard time digesting foods in general. Drinking plenty of water is necessary so that foods can break down much easier in your system and so that your body can work it through the digestive tract. Eating smaller meals is also important; try to have four or five modest meals throughout the day rather than three large meals. Since colitis means that you also have a hard time absorbing vitamins and minerals, it's important to take a multi-vitamin every day to compensate for this.

One caution about trying to control your colitis by controlling your diet is that many sufferers wind up eating the same types of bland foods every day, such as pasta or soup. This too contributes to the fact that a patient is not getting the nutrition they need. It's important to realize that while some raw fruits and vegetables may trigger an attack, you can cook those foods and still get the nutrition you need. For example, if raw broccoli and cauliflower causes an attack of colitis, try instead steaming them. Learn new ways of cooking so that you can have a variety of foods in your diet without bringing on an episode.

Regular exercise also helps many with colitis as exercise helps to increase your blood circulation, which helps with digestion. It also helps your muscles to relax and can alleviate the pain you may feel.

If you absolutely cannot control the symptoms of your colitis then it's time to talk to your doctor. There are many treatment options today, from anti-inflammatory medicines to even surgery if necessary. While perhaps no one looks forward to taking medications every day, knowing that you can be free from the pain and embarrassment of this condition should be enough to convince you to talk to a physician.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

David Cowley has created numerous articles about the relationship between diseases and vitamins. Visit Health Related Articles

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