A multi-vitamin is a necessity for every woman unless you are one of the 7% of women who actually get the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. For women and men, multi-vitamins are formulated with a specific mix of vitamins and minerals that work together to ensure proper absorption. Taking a multi-vitamin is more cost efficient than purchasing each vitamin separately and are even formulated now for children, adolescent girls, women, senior women, women with menopause, and women with osteoporosis and other health issues.
If targeting a certain issue, then, it is appropriate to take a specific vitamin. Below are certain vitamins that women need to target specific problems.
Folic Acid
Folic Acid is necessary for women who are considering having a baby or are pregnant. Folic Acid prevents anemia and birth defects, helps prevent preterm delivery, Alzheimer's, depression, cancer and high blood pressure. Although most multi-vitamins do have Folic Acid, their dose is lower than pregnant and breast feeding mother's should take. If pregnant, up your dose to 600 mcg, and if breast feeding be sure to get 500 mcg. For women who are taking a birth control pill, it is advisable to take Folic Acid because the pill actually prevents your body from absorbing B12 and Folic Acid.
Vitamin B12
If you are pregnant of breastfeeding, it is important to get extra B12. B12 prevents anemia, depression, heart disease, and maintains nerve and brain function. If you are taking a birth control pill, you may have to supplement your diet with extra B12 because the pill prevents your body from absorbing this essential vitamin.
Vitamin B6
If you are pregnant, B6 reduces morning sickness and risk of depression and high blood pressure.
With osteoporosis on the rise, getting enough Calcium is essential. If 19-50 make sure you are consuming at least 1000mg to help prevent osteoporosis, high blood pressure and possibly colon cancer. After 50 years old, increase your dose to 1200 mg.
Copper aids in nerve transmission, red cell formation, and helps maintain nerve, brain, heart and immune function. It is suggested that it also helps prevent against birth defects.
Women need iron because of loss of blood during their period. It also helps prevent fatigue, boost immune systems, and maintain alertness and memory. Ages 19-50 should consume 18 mg daily, if you are pregnant 27 mg, and over 50 years of age 8 mg. A lot of women are sensitive to iron or cannot process iron in a supplement. Discuss with your doctor if you have any adverse reactions after taking a multi-vitamin with iron or supplement. You can increase your iron in food by eating red meat, fish, poultry, beans, peas, leafy greens and whole grains.
Zinc speeds healing, boosts immunity and helps prevent pregnancy complications. Normally 8 mg is sufficient, but if pregnant increase dose to 11mg and 12 mg if you are breast feeding.
Black Cohash
It may help control hot flashes during menopause. If you are pregnant or have breast cancer do not take this herb.
Although a multi-vitamin contains most of the vitamins and minerals essential for men and women, consult your health care professional if you are pregnant or experiencing certain side effects. Your doctor should be able to help you find the appropriate dose for vitamins to help target your immune system, nerve system, heart health or mental health and memory.
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